Bulletin No 6


26th Sept 2018 Senior Phase Report Issued B Lee
27th Sept 2018 Leadership/Sports Dev Bake Sale B Lee



2nd Oct 2018 S2 Report issued B Lee
3rd Oct 2018 Rescheduled Geography Fieldwork Trip S Muldoon
8th Oct 2018 Biology Week B Lee
9th Oct 2018 S3 Merit Event – Cinema Morning (P1-P3) B Lee
11th Oct 2018 S2 Tomorrow Engineers Workshops (P1-P6) B Lee
13th Oct 2018 S1-S3 Cross Country Championships B Lee
22nd Oct 2018 Senior Interhouse PE Event (P4-5) B Lee
24th Oct 2018 S2 Merit Workshops (P1-3) B Lee
1st Nov 2018 Senior Phase Parents’ Evening (7-9pm) B Lee

P          Senior Phase Assessments – December 2018

The Senior Phase Assessment calendar can be downloaded from the school website at the following address: https://bit.ly/2OE3F4O  A paper copy will be issued at assemblies next week.   There are many additional learning opportunities provided by departments to help with coursework and revision. A summary of these can be found with the assessment calendar.  Please try to attend as many of these classes as you can.

B Lee

P          Reach and Access to a Career

Any S5 or S6 student who is interested in joining the ‘Reach’ or ‘Access to a Career’ programmes organised by Glasgow University should give their name to Miss Lee as soon as possible.  The deadline for new S6 students to enrol on the programme is 28th September 2018 (please note: this has been changed from 1st October).  The deadline for new S5 enrolments (or S6 updates) is 20th October 2018.  S5/6 students who were involved in the programme last year will automatically be included in this year’s planning – only new registrations are required at this time.  The Reach programme supports students who are applying for medicine, law, dentistry and veterinary medicine.  Access to a career supports young people who are applying to study teaching, accountancy and engineering.

“My Brighter Future”

A Facebook page has been created by South Lanarkshire Youth Employability Education Resources to share excellent up to date information on employment, training and education opportunities for young people.  You can access the page at this link: https://www.facebook.com/mybrighterfutureslc

B Lee

P          S1 Merit Assembly

Well done to all S1 students who received a praise letter and sweets at the Merit Assembly this morning.  Keep working hard in all of your classes and check the merit calendar for information about the next merit events.

B Lee

P          Printing

Please remember that students can request to print an essay/assignment in B208.

B Lee

P          September Weekend

Please remember that the school will be closed on Friday, 21st and Monday, 24th September 2018 for the ‘September weekend holiday’.  Enjoy!

B Lee

P          Christmas Fair

Our Christmas Fair will take place on Saturday, 24th November.  If you would like to help with the planning, organisation or on the day, please let Miss Lee know. Stalls will also be available for guests to hire for a donation of £10 to the School Fund.

B Lee

P          Blazer Exchange

We would love to receive donations of any unwanted items of school uniform, particularly school blazers, so that we can provide a ‘blazer exchange’. When we have sufficient stock, we hope to offer students the opportunity to exchange their blazer for a new size.  If we don’t have your size available, a token would be given meantime.  Please note: It would be helpful if blazers were washed before they are donated so that we can arrange the exchange quickly.

B Lee

P          Rescheduled National Geography Fieldwork Trip

National Geography fieldwork – Rescheduled fieldwork will take place on Wed 3rd October – same arrangements as before.

S Muldoon

P          Craft Club

Dr Brand and Mrs MacLeod will be running a craft club every week during Wednesday     lunchtimes in room B207. We will be trying out a variety of arts and crafts. All year groups are            welcome but we would like to extend a special welcome to our new S1 pupils. Come along and      meet some new friends whilst learning some new skills.

                                                                                                                                                Dr Brand

P          EMA – S5/6

EMA application forms can be collected from the School Office or downloaded from the South Lanarkshire Council website. On the Council website, click on ‘Education and Learning’, then ‘Secondary School Information’, then ‘Education Maintenance Allowance’.  If you need any help with this, please see Mr Gray or your Pupil Support Teacher.

It is your responsibility to complete and send the application form.

When you receive an award letter with your EMA number on it, bring this to Miss Lee who will then issue a copy of the Learning Agreement to be signed by your teachers and Parent/Guardian.  You should then return the completed Learning Agreement to Miss Lee and the school office will then process your EMA.

Only when you have completed all of the above will the payment process begin.  Please see Mr Gray if you have any questions about EMA.

B Lee